
Matches 8,401 to 8,450 of 9,141

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
8401 source was Jane his wife. Peers, William (I4133)
8402 South of Hanna Doering, Colleen (I603)
8403 spent much of his life at sea although he learned the black smith andwoodworking trades as well. At Boston, he becam e a carpenter, wasemployed as a cabinet maker, and saile d as part of a ship's maintenancecrew. He earned his capta in's papers while spending years as first mateon ships ou t of Boston. After travelling the world, he returned to Pugwash where he opened a harness shop. His home was on the co rner ofWater and King Street
NAME: SOUR @C11062@
NAME: SOUR @C24611@
DEAT: SOUR @C11065@
DEAT: SOUR @C24610@
BIRT: SOUR @C24609@
NOTE: SOUR @C24612@
BIRT: SOUR @C11063@
BIRT: SOUR @C11064@
BIRT: PLAC Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada 
Akerley, George S. (I4296)
8404 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: P.M. O'Neill / H.D. Fraser (F559)
8405 Still born son. Sulz (I6494)
8406 submitted an affidavit for birth registration for brother H armon's sonRobert SimpsonDate:1929 Place:Springhill, Cumbe rland County, NovaScotia, Canada
NAME: SOUR @C28431@
NAME: SOUR @C28440@
BIRT: SOUR @C28432@
BIRT: SOUR @C28436@
SOUR @C28436@
DEAT: SOUR @C28433@
NOTE: SOUR @C28443@
OCCU: SOUR @C28763@
OCCU: PLAC Springhill, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Cana da
SOUR @C28763@ 
Simpson, Lydia W. (I7372)
8407 Sulz Friedrich, marr. age 43, farmer;
Katherina, wife age 41;
Adeline, dau. age 13;
Magdalene, dau. age 11;
Emil, son; age 9;
Edward, son, age 3

arriving on the S.S. President Grant.
Sulz Friedrich, marr. age 43, farmer;
Katherina, wife age 41;
Adeline, dau. age 13;
Magdalene, dau. age 11;
Emil, son; age 9;
Edward, son, age 3

MARR: SOUR @C23478@
MARR: SOUR @C29154@
MARR: SOUR @C22570@
SOUR @C29154@
MARR: SOUR @C29153@ 
Family: Friedrich Sulz / Katharina Kuch (F439)
8408 Sulz, Adam marr. age 32 farmer
Bertha wife age 29
Robert son age 4 
Sulz, Adam (I660)
8409 Table stone reads:; The remains of Major Andrew Forshner an d of his wifeAnne Foughts Natives of Germany. The former b orn the 25th Feb. 1751 anddied the 17th August 1830. The l atter born the 12th June 1750 and diedthe 6th Sept. 1822 l ie under this stone. Forshner, Andrew (I4136)
8410 Table stone reads:; The remains of Major Andrew Forshner an d of his wifeAnne Foughts Natives of Germany. The former b orn the 25th Feb. 1751 anddied the 17th August 1830. The l atter born the 12th June 1750 and diedthe 6th Sept. 1822 l ie under this stone. Forshner, Andrew (I4136)
8411 Table stone reads:; The remains of Major Andrew Forshner an d of his wifeAnne Foughts Natives of Germany. The former b orn the 25th Feb. 1751 anddied the 17th August 1830. The l atter born the 12th June 1750 and diedthe 6th Sept. 1822 l ie under this stone. Forshner, Andrew (I4136)
8412 Table stone reads:; The remains of Major Andrew Forshner an d of his wifeAnne Foughts Natives of Germany. The former b orn the 25th Feb. 1751 anddied the 17th August 1830. The l atter born the 12th June 1750 and diedthe 6th Sept. 1822 l ie under this stone. Foughts, Anne (I4137)
8413 Table stone reads:; The remains of Major Andrew Forshner an d of his wifeAnne Foughts Natives of Germany. The former b orn the 25th Feb. 1751 anddied the 17th August 1830. The l atter born the 12th June 1750 and diedthe 6th Sept. 1822 l ie under this stone. Foughts, Anne (I4137)
8414 Table stone reads:; The remains of Major Andrew Forshner an d of his wifeAnne Foughts Natives of Germany. The former b orn the 25th Feb. 1751 anddied the 17th August 1830. The l atter born the 12th June 1750 and diedthe 6th Sept. 1822 l ie under this stone. Foughts, Anne (I4137)
8415 taught French. Place:Attleboro, Bristol County, Massachuse tts, USA
NAME: SOUR @C18142@
BIRT: SOUR @C18143@
NOTE: SOUR @C18696@ 
Culver, Shirley (I5691)
8416 Teacher in Webb, Warren S (I171)
8417 The Brown family notes recorded by Mrs. John A. Peers (a471 ) indicatethat Isaac and Mary had a son born in 1813 who w as named John; he diedbefore the next one was born in 1815 , and the names was simplytransferred to him.
NAME: SOUR @C18668@
BIRT: SOUR @C18669@
DEAT: SOUR @C18670@
NOTE: SOUR @C18680@ 
Brown, John (I5808)
8418 The death of young people around 1860 was usually due to Di phtheria. Peers, John (I5087)
8419 The death of young people around 1860 was usually due to Di phtheria. Peers, Alexander (I5088)
8420 The death of young people around 1860 was usually due to Di phtheria. Peers, Leonora (I5089)
8421 The death of young people around 1860 was usually due to Di phtheria. Peers, Eleanor (I5090)
8422 The death of young people around 1860 was usually due to Di phtheria. Peers, Catherine A. (I5091)
8423 The death of young people around 1860 was usually due to Di phtheria. Peers, Olivia (I5092)
8424 The Kennedys lived in Prince Edward Island. Peers, Martha Jane (I384)
8425 The Kennedys lived in Prince Edward Island. Kennedy, William (I385)
8426 the people of Springhill held a memorial for Harold Simpson , a doctor,who had died a year before.

Dr. Harold Simpson was one of Springhill's most prominent d octors.Harold went to school in Springhill and decided h e wanted a career inthe Civil Service and secured his Outs ide Papers. He decided to studyengineering so he entered M ount Allison University In Sackville, NewBrunswick. In hi s first and only year there he was a prize winner andvote d 'probably the best engineering student of the year' by th efaculty. However, at the end of his University year he en listed in thearmy (WW1) and was with the No. 6 Siege Batte ry as a signaler. Hefought in France, Belgium and German y and was stationed in Germany withthe army of occupation . While with the Siege Battery he distinguishedhimself i n the field of battle and was decorated with the Military Medal for Gallantry.
When he returned home from the war he decided to enter medi cine andbecome a doctor. He entered McGill University in M ontreal. Upon hisgraduation he accepted an invitation to p ractice as an assistant to Dr.M. J. Wardrope, and when th e older Dr. Wardrope retired Harold tookover the practicea nd the Drugstore of the same name. In the meantime,Dr. Sim pson married Mildred E. Wilson of Saint John, New Brunswic k andthey had three children Beatrice, Jean and Marilyn.
In 1935 Dr. Simpson went to London, England , accompanied b y his wifeand children, and joined the Fellowship of Medic ine taking various postgraduate courses in London Hospital.
On his return to Springhill he engaged Dr. J.C. Murray as h is assistantand later as his partner.(DR. MURRAY WAS THE F ATHER OF THE SINGER ANNEMURRAY). In 1948 Dr. Harold Simpso n, was instrumental in theconstruction of the Springhill M edical Centre, along with Dr. Murray,Dr. J.R. Ryan and Dr . Carl Adams. The medical centre also housedWardropes' Dru gstore for many years.

Dr. Simpson was a registered Surgeon, a member of the Ameri can Collegeof Surgeons Committee on fractures and trauma , a past president of theNova Scotia Medical Association a nd served on many importantcommittees. He was also the min e doctor and never hesitated to enterthe mine to render fi rst aid or give moral supportto the injured. Notonluy wa s he successful because of his skill and knowledge, but h ealso had a cheerful, kindly manner and was very loving to wards childrenand the ederly.Date:1954 Place:Springhill, C umberland County, NovaScotia, Canada
TITL: SOUR @C23579@
TITL: SOUR @C25628@
NAME: SOUR @C23579@
NAME: SOUR @C25628@
BIRT: SOUR @C23580@
BIRT: SOUR @C25627@
BIRT: SOUR @C28381@
SOUR @C25627@
SOUR @C28381@
NOTE: SOUR @C23580@
NOTE: SOUR @C25627@
NOTE: SOUR @C28381@
DEAT: SOUR @C23581@
BURI: SOUR @C23588@
NOTE: SOUR @C28382@
EVEN: SOUR @C28735@
EVEN: PLAC Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
SOUR @C28735@
EVEN: NOTE , served with #7 Overseas Siege Battery C.E.F.
SOUR @C28735@ 
Simpson, John 'Harold' Leslie (I6444)
8427 The Ponoka Social Credit Auxiliary Group was organized a t a meeting andMrs. R. W. Peers was the frist president.Da te:13 FEB 1939 Place:Ponoka,Alberta, Canada
OCCU: SOUR @C26092@
OCCU: DATE BET 1929 AND 1934
OCCU: PLAC about 8 miles N. E., Acadia Valley, Alberta, Can ada
SOUR @C26092@
NOTE: SOUR @C25677@
GRAD: SOUR @C26093@
GRAD: PLAC Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
SOUR @C26093@
GRAD: NOTE from normal school
SOUR @C26093@ 
Gibson, Wilda Mae (I16)
8428 They were known as, 'Jack and Ann'. They were the foster pa rents ofCharles Dill who inherited their property.
BIRT: SOUR @C23761@
NOTE: SOUR @C23761@
DEAT: SOUR @C19344@
DEAT: SOUR @C19345@
NOTE: SOUR @C19345@
RESI: SOUR @C6683@
RESI: SOUR @C22368@
RESI: PLAC Wallace Bay, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Can ada
SOUR @C6683@
SOUR @C22368@
BURI: SOUR @C19343@
NOTE: SOUR @C25734@
CENS: SOUR @C22172@
CENS: NOTE 1881 Census: Wallace, Cumberland County, FHL Fil m #1375813,NAC C-13177 D
CONC ist. 22, Sub Dist. D, Page 29, Family 135; John Peers : male,married, Eng
CONC lish, Methodist, age 48, born Nova Scotia, farmer.
Helenor, wife, age 38
SOUR @C22172@
CENS: SOUR @C23760@
CENS: PLAC Wallace, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada
SOUR @C23760@ 
Peers, John (I163)
8429 this John Roblee is about the right age and is buried in th e samecemetery as Hannah. Roblee, John (I6319)
8430 This was a double wedding as Sam married Freda Weich and hi s sisterAdelena married Freda's brother Arthur Weich.

MARR: SOUR @C12889@ 
Family: Samuel Doering / Freda Carolina Weich (F464)
8431 Thought to have died from swallowing an apricot pit. Doering, Alfred David (I878)
8432 TITL: SOUR @C11005@
NAME: SOUR @C11005@
BIRT: SOUR @C24605@
OCCU: SOUR @C24606@
OCCU: PLAC Sydney, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, Canada
SOUR @C24606@ 
Jakeman, Thomas V.S. (I4285)
8433 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Jakeman, A. M.D. (I4294)
8434 TITL: SOUR @C13323@
NAME: SOUR @C13323@ 
Langstroth, George Forbes Otty (I4627)
8435 TITL: SOUR @C18299@
NAME: SOUR @C18299@ 
Coddington, C.W. (I5726)
8436 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. MacDougall, N. (I6099)
8437 TITL: SOUR @C24062@
NAME: SOUR @C24062@ 
Granger, William (I6571)
8438 TITL: SOUR @C24194@
NAME: SOUR @C24194@
BIRT: SOUR @C24195@
DEAT: SOUR @C24198@ 
Tyler, Hoell (I6600)
8439 TITL: SOUR @C24223@
TITL: SOUR @C24271@
NAME: SOUR @C24223@
NAME: SOUR @C24271@
BIRT: SOUR @C24224@ 
Metcalf, Simeon M. (I6606)
8440 TITL: SOUR @C24280@
NAME: SOUR @C24280@
BIRT: SOUR @C24281@
DEAT: SOUR @C24282@ 
Hatfield, John (I6618)
8441 TITL: SOUR @C24385@
NAME: SOUR @C24385@
BIRT: SOUR @C24388@
DEAT: SOUR @C24389@
BURI: SOUR @C24390@ 
Pineo, Henry Gesner (I6626)
8442 TITL: SOUR @C24776@
NAME: SOUR @C24776@ 
MacKintosh, A. E. (I6678)
8443 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Wiley, K. (I6863)
8444 TITL: SOUR @C28125@
NAME: SOUR @C28125@
NAME: SOUR @C28126@ 
Daley (I7326)
8445 TITL: SOUR @C28526@
NAME: SOUR @C28526@ 
Wilson, Richard (I7389)
8446 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Doering, L.A. (I601)
8447 TITL: SOUR @C29480@
NAME: SOUR @C29480@ 
Cove (I7523)
8448 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Mundle, G. (I326)
8449 TITL: SOUR @C6677@
NAME: SOUR @C6677@ 
MacDonald, Donald (I3240)
8450 TITL: SOUR @C9018@
NAME: SOUR @C9018@ 
Webb, T. Merritt (I3822)

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