Matches 2,701 to 2,750 of 9,141
# | Notes | Linked to |
2701 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: George Walter Doering / P.A. Pippitt (F627)
2702 | Marriage Cert. BIRT: SOUR @C25838@ IMMI: SOUR @C25834@ IMMI: NOTE from USA SOUR @C25834@ | Wallace, Margaret Lovica (I1199)
2703 | Marriage Cert. BURI: SOUR @C22322@ IMMI: SOUR @C25833@ IMMI: NOTE from Ireland SOUR @C25833@ BIRT: SOUR @C25837@ CENS: SOUR @C25596@ CENS: PLAC Eastnor Township, Bruce County, Ontario, Canada SOUR @C25596@ CENS: NOTE Gibson, John 31 Farmer b. Ontario Margret 25 b. USA Mary 5 b. USA Johnston 3 B. USA SOUR @C25596@ CENS: SOUR @C25832@ CENS: PLAC Bruce North County, Ontario, Canada SOUR @C25832@ CENS: NOTE Gibson, John; age 54, head Margaret, age 46, wife Mary, age 25, dau. Johnston, age 22, son Annie, age 19, dau. Abaraham, age 17, son William, age 12, son SOUR @C25832@ | Gibson, John Virgil (I1198)
2704 | Marriage Cert. gives age as 24 | Coulter, Lavinia David (I184)
2705 | Marriage Cert. shows age as 25. | Angevine, Frank (I2328)
2706 | Marriage cert. shows age as 26. | Reeves, Jane (I2758)
2707 | Marriage Cert. shows age as 28. | Teed, Herbert R. (I3020)
2708 | Marriage Cert. shows age as 30 MARR: SOUR @C22339@ | Family: Robert Peers / Mary Ellen O'Brien (F1904)
2709 | Marriage Cert. shows age as 34 | Peers, Harris Tingley (I3017)
2710 | marriage certificate has Martha's mother name Laura. Ceremo ny wasperformed by Rev. E. B. Corey and witnessed by Jame s E. Layton andHannah J. Fountain MARR: SOUR @C25676@ | Family: Robert D. Peers / Martha A. Fountain (F28)
2711 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: P.K. Peers / Maxine Harry (F1804)
2712 | Marriage of Teresa Vincent, Hanna Herald; 29 Mar 1995 Artic le, P A3, col1.Date:29 MAR 1995 | Vincent, Teresa Donna (I1424)
2713 | Marriage performed by Rev. C. Munro. MARR: SOUR @C11882@ MARR: SOUR @C11883@ | Family: Charles Levi Stonehouse / Mary Edith Peers (F173)
2714 | marriage performed by Rev. John McLean, Congregational Mini ster of Erin.Witness was John McAlister of Erin, likely th e bride's uncle. MARR: SOUR @C26290@ | Family: Malcolm Milloy / Catherine 'Katie' McAllister (F289)
2715 | Married at the Doering home. MARR: SOUR @C12846@ | Family: Theodore Leimert / Paulina Doering (F460)
2716 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: D.J. Brennan / L.K. Doering (F669)
2717 | Married at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Mac Gibson. Rev. D.C. E by of AcadiaValley officiated. MARR: SOUR @C22327@ | Family: Arthur Leonard Dalshaug / Evelyn Gibson (F256)
2718 | Married by Licence Baptist MARR: SOUR @C25615@ MARR: SOUR @C25431@ | Family: John Robert Simpson / Margaret 'Maggie' Richmond (F29)
2719 | married by licence, Methodist religon ceremony performed b y Rev. Wm.Ainley Peers Lester Irving, Head age 41, farmer; Susie B., wife age 38, Robert Wilfred, son, age 12; Margaret B., dau., age 10; Lawrence I., son, age 8; Gordon L. son, age 4; Evelyn M. dau., age 1 y 9mon.; Black Herman, hired man, age 39 MARR: SOUR @C25675@ MARR: SOUR @C29156@ | Family: Lester Irving Peers / Susie Elizabeth Simpson (F17)
2720 | married by Rev. T. Cumming at the residence of the bride th is morning. MARR: SOUR @C22385@ MARR: SOUR @C23995@ | Family: Ephraim E. Peers / Luvernia Elizabeth Cutten (F1085)
2721 | married Margaret, went to work in Boston. The Akerleys retu rned within afew years to a home on the corner of Victori a and Church Streets. HarryAkerley ran a freight service i n his own boat, worked in the brickyard,was janitor of th e Methodist Church for years, etc. NAME: SOUR @C11075@ BIRT: SOUR @C11076@ DEAT: SOUR @C11077@ DEAT: SOUR @C24618@ NOTE: SOUR @C24619@ | Akerley, Harry G. (I4298)
2722 | married someone with the last name of Chase who died in 196 6. NAME: SOUR @C18265@ BIRT: SOUR @C18266@ | Houston, Gretchen (I5718)
2723 | married. Date:06 APR 1935 Place:Garfield County, Colorado , USA CENS: SOUR @C22085@ CENS: PLAC Pugwash, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada SOUR @C22085@ CENS: NOTE age 7 SOUR @C22085@ BIRT: SOUR @C22044@ NOTE: SOUR @C22044@ DEAT: SOUR @C22041@ OCCU: SOUR @C22045@ OCCU: DATE ABT 1907 OCCU: PLAC Garfield County, Colorado, USA SOUR @C22045@ NOTE: SOUR @C22046@ CENS: SOUR @C22086@ CENS: PLAC Victoria Cross Road, Cumberland County, Nova Sco tia, Canada SOUR @C22086@ CENS: NOTE 1881 Census: County: FHL Film #1375813, NAC C-13 177 Dist.22, Sub Dist. G CONC , Page 4, Family 17: Peers Colter: male, Irish, Bapti st, age 17,born No CONC va Scotia. SOUR @C22086@ BURI: SOUR @C22047@ | Coulter, Robert Peers (I318)
2724 | McGhee, E.E., Pte M105758 Private Emerson Emmett McGhee of the Princess Patri cia'sCanadian Light Infantry was killed in action on 20 Se ptember 1944 andis buried at the Coriano Ridge War Cemeter y, Italy. Emerson was bornon18 May 1922 in Acadia Valley , Alberta. He was raised on the 1 and 1/2section family fa rm near Acadia Valley, Alberta where he attended thetown s chool until the age of fourteen, leaving school with a grad efive education. Emerson McGhee worked his father's farm a fter leavingschool and also as a tractor and truck driver . He joined the CanadianArmy in Calgary, Alberta on 14 Dec ember 1942 and was taken on strengthto No. 13 District Dep ot in Calgary. On 30 December he went to A16Canadian Infan try Training Depot for basic and infantry training. Whileo n course he was admitted to the Currie Hospital from 13 t o 18 January1943. After graduating as an infantryman he re mained at the trainingcentre for employment. Pte McGhee pr oceeded overseas arriving inEngland on 23 July 1943 and wa s posted to the 1st Canadian InfantryReinforcement Unit. A fter a few months traning in England he deployedto Italy a rriving in theatre on 9 November 1943 as a reinforcement fo rthe Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. He joine d thePatricia's in the field on 31 December 1943 after th e Battle of Ortona.Pte. McGhee fought with the regiment du ring the defensive operationsnear Ortona, the defensive op erations near Crecchio and the breachingof the Hitler Line . On 28 Jun 1944 he was evacuated to No. 14 CanadianGenera l Hospital and returned to the PPCLI on 19 September 1944 d uringthe fighting to take the San Fortunato Ridge. On th e night of the 19thof September they launched their attac k with a heavy bombardment fromthe artillery. On 20 Septem ber 1944 the Patricia's left the start lineto pass throug h the Loyal Edmonton Regiment. In mid afternoon they hadac hieved their first objective and moved towards their second . Theyobserved enemy in this location and dispersed them w ith machine gunfire. The regiment came under indirect fir e losing one of theircarriers to the enemy artillery. Duri ng the fighting Pte. McGhee waskilled in action. Pte. McGh ee was awarded the 1939-45 Star, Italy Star,War Medal an d the Canadian Volunteer Srevice Medal with Clasp. NAME: SOUR @C26391@ BIRT: SOUR @C26390@ BIRT: SOUR @C29234@ SOUR @C29234@ DEAT: SOUR @C29231@ EVEN: SOUR @C29232@ EVEN: PLAC Canadian Army, Calgary, Alberta, Canada SOUR @C29232@ BURI: SOUR @C29233@ NOTE: SOUR @C29235@ DEAT: SOUR @C26392@ DEAT: PLAC Nice, Italy SOUR @C26392@ DEAT: NOTE died in action in WW2 SOUR @C26392@ DEAT: SOUR @C26393@ DEAT: NOTE killed in action in WW ll SOUR @C26393@ | McGhee, Emerson Emmit (I1127)
2725 | members of the Grace Luthern Church MARR: SOUR @C23862@ MARR: SOUR @C23863@ MARR: SOUR @C23865@ MARR: SOUR @C23866@ MARR: SOUR @C23864@ | Family: Adolf Doering / Emelia 'Emily' Liebelt (F575)
2726 | Microfilm No.: 15926 MARR: SOUR @C24531@ | Family: Temple Stanyan Piers, Esg. / Mercy Foster (F2352)
2727 | Microfilm no.: 15931 get copy MARR: SOUR @C24518@ | Family: Henry Akerly / Mary Peers (F2350)
2728 | Microfilm no: 15930; get copy. MARR: SOUR @C24371@ | Family: Ephraim Peers / Phoebe Teed (F70)
2729 | Microfilm no: 15931; get copy. MARR: SOUR @C24372@ | Family: Ezekiel Peers / Ellen MacDougal (F1736)
2730 | might be buried here as his father was buried here in 1981. Headstone reads: Donald Sarson 1909-1981, his wife Clara Pe ers 1913-,Donald A. Sarson 1933-1941 and Charles R. Sarso n 1945-. The death datesare out between the 'History of Wa llace Bay' and The Cemeteries ofNorth Cumberland. Place:Pa lmerston Cemetery, Pugwash, CumberlandCounty, Nova Scotia , Canada NAME: SOUR @C16409@ NAME: SOUR @C29404@ DEAT: SOUR @C16411@ DEAT: SOUR @C29405@ BIRT: SOUR @C29406@ BIRT: SOUR @C16410@ BIRT: PLAC Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada DEAT: SOUR @C29407@ DEAT: PLAC Pugwash, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada SOUR @C29407@ | Sarson, Donald Alexander (I5329)
2731 | might be buried in Jamestown, Dakota. | Brown, Peers (I5785)
2732 | Might have been Reed. | Reid (I2148)
2733 | might not be same William as I have his death as Feb. 4,197 8. | Gibson, William James (I1231)
2734 | Miles Thompson was the natural son of Mary Sweeney who late r marriedDaniel Peers (b5). Miles grew up believing he wa s Daniel's son. Onreaching maturity he learned, through so me unwise remarks of hisgrandmother, the name of his actua l father and insisted on taking hisname. | Thompson, Miles (I379)
2735 | Missing in action Nov. 11, 1943. Declared, 'presumed dead' , Jan. 15,1945. | Thompson, Clinton William (I1991)
2736 | mother 'Patience' according to 'History of Wallace Bay' die d in 1825;six years before William was born. Could the fat her 'Ephraim Peers'have remarried? 'Cemeteries of North Cu mberland' shows the wife ofEphraim as 'Prudence' who die d in 29 April 1825.Date:b BIRT: SOUR @C19115@ BIRT: SOUR @C19116@ DEAT: SOUR @C19113@ DEAT: SOUR @C19114@ NOTE: SOUR @C19114@ BURI: SOUR @C19112@ NOTE: SOUR @C29545@ | Peers, William McKim (I352)
2737 | mother name was Karolina Heffner (get copy) | Sulz, Katharina (I665)
2738 | mother's name is shown as Barbara Rauschen | Sulz, Johannes (I650)
2739 | Mrs Dan Smith midwife. Birth was declared on 12 Jul 1921 i n the City ofNiagra Falls, New York. | Alderson, Thomas Henry (I1880)
2740 | Mrs. Betha Spicer | Spicer, Betha (I2572)
2741 | Mrs. Betty Warrington officiating. | Karg, Violet (I705)
2742 | Name also was Scheibly; which might be birth name. Date:SE P 1946Place:Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada NAME: SOUR @C22514@ NOTE not sure if this was her maiden name or name of firs t husband SOUR @C22514@ | Brost, Lydia (I1528)
2743 | Name of Doctor was Mrs. Martha Doering | Doering, Colleen (I603)
2744 | Name spelt with 1 L NAME: SOUR @C27153@ BIRT: SOUR @C27154@ BIRT: SOUR @C27207@ SOUR @C27207@ NOTE: SOUR @C27154@ NOTE: SOUR @C27207@ DEAT: SOUR @C27157@ BURI: SOUR @C27161@ | McAlister, Donald 'Dan' (I529)
2745 | NAME: SOUR @C10006@ | McRae, Peter (I4068)
2746 | NAME: SOUR @C10009@ NAME: SOUR @C10012@ | Fisher, Jessie (I4069)
2747 | NAME: SOUR @C10021@ | McLean, Mary E. (I4070)
2748 | NAME: SOUR @C10026@ OCCU: SOUR @C10028@ | White, Arthur (I4071)
2749 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Hauck, G.R. (I4072)
2750 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Hauck, H.M. (I4073)