Matches 1,351 to 1,400 of 9,141
# | Notes | Linked to |
1351 | History of Wallace Bay shows death date as 1950. | Shipley, Wilbert E. (I5963)
1352 | History of Wallace Bay shows died and is buried in North Be nd,Minnesota. | Peers, Everett B (I169)
1353 | History of Wallace Bay shows her death as 1907 | Betts, Phiannah (I6264)
1354 | History of Wallce Bay has birth date 1887. | Gillis, Roderick Allan (I5015)
1355 | hit while crossing the street by two guys drag racing thei r cars. | McAllister, Darlene Jean (I7161)
1356 | house and barn were burned by the Eddy rebels, and soon aft er theLoyalists came to Nova Scotia he sold his property a t the fort to hisson-in-law Gideon Palmer and moved to Sac kville, New Brunswick, havingpurchased land near Morris' s Mills. It is said he came into possesionof this propert y through prosecuting one Ayer and others for settingfir e to his building at Fort Cumberland. In 1809 he obtaine d a grantfrom the Government at Fredericton of the mill-po nd, and some twohundred or three hundred acres of wilderne ss land at Sackville,including about forty acres of mars h on the east side of the TantramarRiver, above Cole's Isl and. Mr. Harper had three sons and fourdaughters. His so n Christopher, who was a captain in the army in earlylife , left for Quebec, via Richibucto and Miramichi, and was no t heardfrom after leaving Miramichi. John married Miss Tho rnton (whose fatherwas a Loyalist). and after living at th e mill for a time moved toDorchester. William married Phoe be Haliday, from Cobequid, and built onthe place where I . C. Harper, of Sackville, now lives; Catherinemarried Gid eon Palmer; Annie married Major Richard Wilson, a north o fIreland man; Fannie married Thomas King, and Charlotte ma rried BedfordBoultonhouse. Christopher Harper owned the fi rst two-wheeled chaisethat was run in Westmoreland County . He was a magistrate and used tosolemnize marriage, and s ometimes officiated in the Church of Englandin the absenc e of the rector. The Harpers of Sackville and Bay Verte are descendants of the two brother, William and John.Date:1777 NAME: SOUR @C28534@ BIRT: SOUR @C28535@ DEAT: SOUR @C28536@ | Harper, Christopher (I7391)
1357 | HUSB: NOTE Sex of this parent is unknown. | Family: William Scott / Margaret Lovica Wallace (F807)
1358 | Identical twins. | McKim, Alan Wilfred (I2285)
1359 | Identical twins. | McKim, Arthur Daniel (I2286)
1360 | IMMI: SOUR @C11562@ IMMI: PLAC New York, New York, USA SOUR @C11562@ BIRT: SOUR @C12665@ BIRT: SOUR @C12666@ SOUR @C12666@ DEAT: SOUR @C12668@ BURI: SOUR @C12669@ BURI: SOUR @C12670@ SOUR @C12670@ NOTE: SOUR @C12669@ RESI: SOUR @C11563@ RESI: PLAC Mayton, Alberta, Canada SOUR @C11563@ RESI: NOTE No longer shown on maps. Was located east of Old s, Alberta. SOUR @C11563@ RESI: SOUR @C11564@ RESI: PLAC Hanna, Alberta, Canada SOUR @C11564@ | Doering, Rudolph (I686)
1361 | IMMI: SOUR @C12459@ IMMI: PLAC New York, New York, USA SOUR @C12459@ IMMI: NOTE Arrived on the S.S. Kaiser Wilheim de Grasse BIRT: SOUR @C12458@ DEAT: SOUR @C12460@ BURI: SOUR @C12461@ | Willging, Barbara (I868)
1362 | In memory of Johnson Gibson died June 29, 1887 aged 76 yrs . also hiswife Eliza Gibson died Dec 6, 1881 aged 54 yrs. | Gibson, Johnston (I490)
1363 | In memory of Johnson Gibson died June 29, 1887 aged 76 yrs . also hiswife Eliza Gibson died Dec 6, 1881 aged 54 yrs. | Vietch, Eliza (I491)
1364 | in the 92nd year of her age. | Peers, Elizabeth (I364)
1365 | in the Hotel business in a town on Lake Huron, Ontario. (likely StokesBay) as daughter Eliza was born there in 1886. The hotel burned and theydid not rebuild. | Gibson, William (I448)
1366 | in the Hotel business in a town on Lake Huron, Ontario. (likely StokesBay) as daughter Eliza was born there in 1886. The hotel burned and theydid not rebuild. | Milloy, Elizabeth 'Betsy' (I449)
1367 | Index to Alberta Cemetery Records and other Sources shows A nnie Quallyborn 1885 died 1959. | Annie (I1735)
1368 | Index to Alberta Cemetery Records and other Sources shows A nnie Quallyborn 1885 died 1959. | Annie (I1735)
1369 | Index to Alberta Cemetery Records and other Sources shows A nnie Quallyborn 1885 died 1959. | Annie (I1735)
1370 | Index to Alberta Cemetery Records and other Sources shows M artin Quallyborn 1882 died 1964. | Qually, Marten (I1734)
1371 | Index to Alberta Cemetery Records and other Sources shows M artin Quallyborn 1882 died 1964. | Qually, Marten (I1734)
1372 | Index to Alberta Cemetery Records and other Sources shows M artin Quallyborn 1882 died 1964. | Qually, Marten (I1734)
1373 | Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M02868-7 System Origin: Massachusetts-EASy Source Film Number 2057589 record#255 service performed by Wilbur F. Alton Clergyman , recorded 8Dec 1904 Fountain Ernest H., head marr., age 44, Drayman; Cora, wife, age 44; Marth, dau. age 15; Ila, dau. age 9 MARR: SOUR @C25960@ MARR: SOUR @C29164@ SOUR @C29164@ MARR: SOUR @C29167@ | Family: Ernest H. Fountain / Cora Peers (F72)
1374 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Peers, M.E. (I5331)
1375 | infant child of Hudson A. Trenholm and his wife Mary Elle n Peers.Date:FEB 1937 Place:Palmerston Cemetery, Pugwash , Cumberland County,Nova Scotia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C16425@ BIRT: SOUR @C16430@ DEAT: SOUR @C16431@ BURI: SOUR @C16432@ NOTE: SOUR @C16434@ | Trenholm, Hudson Alfred (I5332)
1376 | info Betty Philip Cpl. Army Service Corp overseas. Mailing address Fall of 19 43 was L/Copl. Purper A. A. H.Q. 1st Can. Army M. T. Secti on C.A.O.Date:BET 1941AND AUG 1945 NOTE: SOUR @C22331@ | Purper, Alvin Arthur (I423)
1377 | info Betty Philip Pvt. Calgary Highlanders Date:BET 1939 AND 1945 DEAT: SOUR @C21785@ BIRT: SOUR @C11557@ | Philip, Norman Richardson (I424)
1378 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Pedersen, K.E. (I1113)
1379 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Gibson, E.B.A. (I422)
1380 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Purper, H.A. (I438)
1381 | info Betty Philip | Pedersen, Keith William (I439)
1382 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Pedersen, A.D.W. (I1114)
1383 | info Betty Philip | Lindblad, Richard (I1183)
1384 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Friesen, E.W.B. (I437)
1385 | info Betty Philip 203 Taradale Dr. NE., Calgary, AB | Purper, Linda Lorene (I436)
1386 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Friesen, S.A. (I1115)
1387 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Friesen, B.L. (I1116)
1388 | info Lorna Gibson of Tees, Alberta. BURI: SOUR @C23661@ NOTE: SOUR @C23661@ | Gibson, William James (I1231)
1389 | Info Lorna Gibson of Tees, Alberta. | Gilchrist, Mary Lillian Calder (I1232)
1390 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Gibson, W. (I1233)
1391 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Stubelt, F. (I1234)
1392 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Gibson, H. (I1235)
1393 | info Lorna Gibson of Tees, Alberta. | Ruby (I1236)
1394 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Gibson, A. (I1237)
1395 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Gibson, R. (I1238)
1396 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | D. (I1239)
1397 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Gibson, R. Jr. (I1245)
1398 | info Lorna Gibson of Tees, Alberta. | MacDonell, Betty (I1246)
1399 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Gibson, G. (I1247)
1400 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Gibson, B. (I1248)