Matches 1,101 to 1,150 of 9,141
# | Notes | Linked to |
1101 | did not marry Place:Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C20187@ BIRT: SOUR @C20188@ | Tuttle, Isadora Bigney (I5910)
1102 | did not marry Place:Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C20192@ BIRT: SOUR @C20193@ NOTE: SOUR @C20374@ | Tuttle, Phebe Anne (I5911)
1103 | did not marry Place:Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C20701@ BIRT: SOUR @C20702@ | Salter, John (I6001)
1104 | did not marry Place:Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C20824@ BIRT: SOUR @C20825@ | Lynds, Hortense (I6025)
1105 | did not marry Place:Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C20947@ BIRT: SOUR @C20950@ NOTE: SOUR @C20951@ | Tuttle, Annie (I6053)
1106 | did not marry Place:Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C21257@ BIRT: SOUR @C21258@ DEAT: SOUR @C21259@ | Pipes, Oswald (I6122)
1107 | did not marry Place:Wallace Bay, Cumberland County, Nova S cotia,Canada NAME: SOUR @C20799@ BIRT: SOUR @C20806@ BIRT: SOUR @C20807@ SOUR @C20807@ DEAT: SOUR @C20804@ DEAT: SOUR @C20805@ SOUR @C20805@ BURI: SOUR @C20803@ | Lynds, Robert (I6020)
1108 | did not marry Place:Wentworth, Cumberland County, Nova Sco tia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C20305@ NAME: SOUR @C20312@ BIRT: SOUR @C20306@ DEAT: SOUR @C20307@ NOTE: SOUR @C20310@ BURI: SOUR @C20311@ | Tuttle, Lucille D. (I5934)
1109 | did not marry Place:Wentworth, Cumberland County, Nova Sco tia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C20528@ NAME: SOUR @C20529@ BIRT: SOUR @C20530@ BIRT: SOUR @C20531@ SOUR @C20531@ DEAT: SOUR @C20532@ DEAT: SOUR @C20533@ SOUR @C20533@ BURI: SOUR @C20538@ NOTE: SOUR @C20539@ | Tuttle, Audry DeVere (I5972)
1110 | did not marry Place:Wentworth, Cumberland County, Nova Sco tia, Canada NAME: SOUR @C20601@ BIRT: SOUR @C20602@ DEAT: SOUR @C20603@ | Tuttle, Roxanna (I5982)
1111 | did not marry Date:AFT 1878 Place:New Brunswick, Canada NAME: SOUR @C24958@ BIRT: SOUR @C24961@ NOTE: SOUR @C24962@ | Tuttle, Alice Mable (I6723)
1112 | did not marry. NAME: SOUR @C14128@ BIRT: SOUR @C19185@ BIRT: SOUR @C19186@ BIRT: SOUR @C23768@ SOUR @C23768@ DEAT: SOUR @C19183@ DEAT: SOUR @C19184@ BURI: SOUR @C19182@ | Peers, Isaac Brown (I4813)
1113 | did not marry. NAME: SOUR @C14189@ BIRT: SOUR @C14190@ DEAT: SOUR @C14191@ | Tuttle, Roland Nelson (I4827)
1114 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | McKim, M.E. (I5538)
1115 | did not marry. Date:BEF 1952 Place:Wallace Bay, Cumberlan d County, NovaScotia, Canada BIRT: SOUR @C19215@ BIRT: SOUR @C19216@ BIRT: SOUR @C19217@ BIRT: SOUR @C23706@ SOUR @C19217@ SOUR @C23706@ DEAT: SOUR @C19214@ BURI: SOUR @C19213@ NOTE: SOUR @C19218@ | Peers, Phoebe Alice (I143)
1116 | did not mary. NAME: SOUR @C14143@ BIRT: SOUR @C17078@ BIRT: SOUR @C17079@ DEAT: SOUR @C17076@ DEAT: SOUR @C17077@ NOTE: SOUR @C14146@ BURI: SOUR @C18932@ | Brown, Annie Lyla (I4817)
1117 | did not mary. NAME: SOUR @C15406@ NAME: SOUR @C19658@ BIRT: SOUR @C19661@ BIRT: SOUR @C19662@ DEAT: SOUR @C19659@ DEAT: SOUR @C19660@ NOTE: SOUR @C15409@ BURI: SOUR @C19663@ | Peers, Harriet (I5099)
1118 | Died 8 hrs. after birth | Ferguson, Jean (I1915)
1119 | died about 8 PM Monday when a 2 1/2 ton truck in which he w as apassenger rolled off the Chestmere highway. | Gibson, Allen Edward (I425)
1120 | died as a result of a butchering accident | Janot, William (I1483)
1121 | Died at birth | Hansen, Tabatha Diane (I983)
1122 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Tuttle (I6728)
1123 | Died at birth. | Hansen, Jonathan Edward (I984)
1124 | died at home | Perissini, Lynn (I6)
1125 | died at home | Mitchner, Marilyn Irene (I427)
1126 | died at home | Scott, Vicki Lynn (I435)
1127 | died at home | Milloy, Elizabeth 'Betsy' (I449)
1128 | died at home | McAllister, John (I525)
1129 | Died at home, 5 miles west of Lion's Head. | Gibson, Eliza Veach (I458)
1130 | died at home. | Doering, Emil Samuel (I873)
1131 | died at home. | McKay, Phyillis (I1453)
1132 | Died at the age of 71 | Hanneman, Hannah (I1758)
1133 | died from injuries sustained in highway accident near Hint on, Alberta. | Diegel, Bryne Gene (I1073)
1134 | Died in a car accident. | Stewart, Judith (I1150)
1135 | died in a farm accident. | Peers, Raymond Kenneth (I120)
1136 | Died in a farm accident. | Gibson, Norman Malcolm (I426)
1137 | Died in automobile accident near Calgary | Vold, Marilyn 'Alison' (I429)
1138 | died in car train collision | Doering, Lily (I582)
1139 | Died in car train collision | Nordh, George Elvin (I583)
1140 | Died in child birth | Galster, Augustine (I687)
1141 | died in infancy | Peers, Marion (I34)
1142 | Died in infancy | Doering, Adolf (I769)
1143 | died in teens | Tuttle, Margaret (I6727)
1144 | Died infancy. | Peers, Elisha (I366)
1145 | died of a heart attack | Peers, Lillian 'Rae' (I101)
1146 | died of a heart attack | Peers, Gordon 'Keith' (I107)
1147 | died of a heart attack. | Gibson, Allen Gerald (I444)
1148 | Died of a heart attack. | Mohl, Adam (I699)
1149 | Died of a heart attack. | Seefried, Kenneth Ronald (I1091)
1150 | Died of a heart attack. | Seefried, Lucas (I1537)